Cinnamon Horchata Baked Donuts

Recipes | February 01, 2022

Cinnamon Horchata Baked Donuts


Koia Cinnamon Horchata

Donut know what to eat? Whip up these donuts made with our Cinnamon Horchata for an easy to make, mouth-watering plant protein filled treat! Check out the recipe below. 

Cinnamon Horchata Donuts: (Makes six)
* 1 1/4 cup quick pancake mix
* 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
* 1/2 cup mashed bananas
* 1 egg
* 1/4 cup @drinkkoia Cinnamon Horchata
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
* 2 tablespoons coconut sugar
* Cinnamon
Peanut Butter Chocolate Glaze:
* 1/2 cup powdered peanut butter
* 1/4 cup @drinkkoia Cinnamon Horchata
* 1 tablespoon honey
* 2 tablespoons cacao powder
Additional toppings:
* Crushed nuts, unsweetened coconut flakes, and dried fruit.


* Preheat oven to 350°F.
* Combine donut ingredients in a medium size bowl. Be careful not to over mix!
* Divide equally into a sprayed donut pan and bake for 15-20 minutes (or until golden brown on top).
* While donuts are baking prepare the peanut butter chocolate glaze. Combine glaze ingredients in a small bowl, adding more liquid if needed. Should be thick but spreadable.
* Once donuts are finished, cool for 5-10 minutes before adding glaze and toppings (the glaze will melt if the donuts are too hot). Enjoy

Created by : @Whatrobineats

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